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Event Committees

2024-2025 Spirit Wear

Designs spirit wear for upcoming school year, evaluates vendors and works with chosen vendor or logos, designs, offerings, and site store 

Chairperson: Carrie Mandziuk

Trunk or Treat

Plan for Trunk or Treat which includes passing out candy, set up, handing out refreshments in support of this annual event 



Chairperson: Carrie Mandziuk, Alaina Tosqui

Gal With A Pal Dance

Helps in coordination, planning and set up for event. 

Chairperson: TBD

Teacher Favorites & Staff Hospitality

Need 1 chairperson to coordinate fun ways to support and celebrate our staff. 

Chairperson: TBD

Popsicles for Field Day

Need 1 volunteer to purchase 400 popsicles, count, sort, freeze, and distribute for field day.  All costs are reimbursed by PTA

Chairperson: TBD

School Yearbook

Help design and coordinate efforts for the school year to ensure our students have a wonderful keepsake of their time at Silver Springs

Chairperson: Stephanie Sciara

Northville Educational Foundation Liaison

Need 1 person to serve as a link between Northville Educational Foundation and Silver Springs PTA

Chairperson: TBD

Cub Scouts Pack 712 Liaison

Need 1 person to serve as a link between Silver Springs PTA and Cub Scouts Pack 712

Chairperson: Kirsten Schoster

Assemblies and In-School Field Trips

Plan and coordinate in-school enrichment activities, assemblies, in-school field trips, etc.  Must be detail oriented and good communicator, please

Chairperson: Alexis Shackleford

Book Giveaway Program



Chairperson: Laura Armstrong, Beverly Strong

Annual Internal Audit

Individuals (2) needed to audit PTA financials.  Must not be a PTA Board Member

Chairperson: Kirsten Schoster

Teacher Appreciation Week

Organizes and leads efforts to celebrate our wonderful teachers during our weeklong event



Breakfast with a Buddy

Set up and clean up for event, purchase items for breakfast 


Chairperson: Deepti Chowdhry, Beverly Strong

Son Plus One Fun

Helps in coordination, planning, and set up for event. 




Chairperson: TBD

Food/Treats for Central Office Appreciation

Need 3 volunteers to bake/prep and deliver a small array of treats (which can be fruit, baked goods, etc.) to NPS Central Office for district staff appreciation day​

​Chairperson: TBD

Birthday Lunches

Set Up & clean birthday lunch table, greet parents, etc. Commitment is 30-60 minutes between 11:00am-1:00pm on weekdays, about once a week (you pick your dates)


​Chairperson: Sarah Cole

Kona Ice Day

Coordinate the PTA-sponsored visit from the Kona Ice Truck for students

Chairperson: TBD

School Toolbox

Coordinates efforts with our School Toolbox kits in purchase and distribution

Chairperson: Carrie Sipple

School Directory

Helps in design and set up on putting together the Silver Springs School Directory

Chairperson: David O’Brien, Saifuddin Sayed

Outdoor / Grounds

Need 1 chairperson to help improve or provide assistance with outdoor grounds, seasonal décor, etc. Would coordinate with principal and Dad’s Club

Chairperson: TBD

PTA Reflections & Celebration Event

Coordinate student art contest (which is a program of the National PTA, so all info is provided at 


Chairperson: TBD

PTA Closet Cleanout

Cleans and Organizes PTA Closet used for meetings, events, etc.


Chairperson: Mindy Albertson, Kathy Chalhoub

Dad's Club

Organizes and Leads Dad's Club for Silver Springs


Chairperson: Jim Welch

More Events to Be Added

© 2024-2025 by Silver Springs Elementary PTA
Silver Springs PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It is a local unit of the National PTA and Michigan PTA.  Northville Public Schools does not exercise control over the content found on this site. Links to external websites and servers do not imply any official NPS endorsement of the opinions or ideas expressed here or guarantee the validity of the information you may find at these sites. Links to commercial sites are in no way an endorsement of any vendor's products or services. Website is created for free with

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